User:10 Minute Awakening Review 5

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The advantage of belonging to a certain religion 10 Minute Awakening and believing in god helps you to strengthen your hope for a better living. Strong religious values protect an individual from losing self-integrity as he always thinks and acts rightly as if god is watching and recording his deeds for hereafter compensation.

Today - personal development for personal goal setting, motivation and leadership is readily accessible through books, internet and seminars which are developed by experts. This literature of personal development doesn't talks about religion but talks about personal development through dreaming big and achieving big in one's own lifetime.

It's OK to use such material for self growth but if you also read and understand your religious values in line with it - may help you to find more answers for your life and prosperity. Most of the literature of personal development is borrowed from various religious scriptures as well as wonderful sayings of sages and philosophers who selflessly and immaterially sought progress in their respective lives and influenced others to greatness.