Kids learn spelling fun

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Overview This app allows kids to learn how to spell by hearing the word and seeing the object rather than just getting one of those resources. If the student is having trouble with a word they can click on the picture and it repeats the way it sounds and also shows how to spell it for just two seconds. The other great feature of this app is that it gets harder. You can choose to work on 3-7 letter words and you can also choose a category of kinds of words like fruits or vegetables. There are also sections labeled learn, practice, and test. The learn section is what I described above. The practice section adds a few more letters to choose from so it becomes harder to tell which letters are used and which ones are not. Test is where every letter of the alphabet is provided and you have to spell the word. For kids, this becomes more difficult because they do not know which letters are supposed to be used. In this section, hints are also not provided. In all sections, the student must get the word spelled correctly before moving on to the next word.

See Also I learn with fun- words I learn with fun- phonics I learn with fun- spelling I learn with fun- reading word builder
