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Thunkable was advertised as an Hour of Code opportunity for individuals to participate in. Thunkable is a plataform where anyone can build their own mobile apps 'without having to code'. It is available for IOS and Android platforms. It features:

  • IOS or Android Platforms
  • Drag and Drop
  • No coding experience
  • Live Testing
  • Compatible with MIT App Inventor
  • Material Design
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Google Spreadsheets

See Also

  • Apps
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Google Spreadsheets
  • MIT App Inventor


The opportunity to learn and create apps is enticing. This site was an option to click on when I was working on Thinking the beginner level of was easy, I gave Thunkable a try. There are tutorial videos available to lead you through the app software and how to create simple easy apps. While they claim you don't have to know how to code to use it, I would offer otherwise. It is simplistic, but you need to understand the different types of blocks and how they work together to make the app do what it is intended to do. It often needs to refresh the screen as you are building the app. With all the changes made and from what I saw of other app creators as I watched YouTube videos this seemed common.

I would give this App Coding website a 3 out of 5 stars. Not having worked with coding or building apps, it would be nice to offer suggestions of what could work rather than just showing warnings that something is not going to work. - James Brohn


External Links

Thunkable Challenge - Create an App that Solves a Problem in Your Community
Introduction to Android Thunkable Video Series
Introduction to IOS Thunkable Video Series
Overview of Thunkable